Thursday, March 12, 2009

The last day

Of the antivirals is today. Hurray!

Yesterday I visited the occupational health nurse of my hospital as instructed to see if my shingles were healed enough for me to be allowed to return to work. The infection control dept would rather I stay home at present. Anyway, she viewed my not at all healed shingles and pronounced that not only do I need to take more time off, my case of shingles is the "worst" she'd seen in a long time.

Great! I love those kind of accolades!

I go back on Monday for another inspection, and since today the rash is starting to crust over, I'm sure from the hospital's point of view I'll be released. I'm scheduled to work all night the next night, but if I feel as punk as I do now, I may ask the doctor for another few days off. The occ health nurse made it clear that the ultimate responsibility for how long I stay off rests with me and my physician.

Taciturn returned home yesterday. He says the visit to Baltimore went much better than he had anticipated, very little arguing. He also said that the Angry White Man is showing unmistakable signs of dementia, examples of which I won't go into here. But that may explain why he has gotten so much meaner to me over the last few years.

Anyway, back to real life! Please pray for Arkansas Hillbilly and his wife as they sweat out a weekend awaiting for some tests to be run on their unborn child. They can't get into the doctor any earlier than Monday. Ugh.


Mary Beth said...

Poor you! Have been pryaing for you but have been lax in my comments. take care.

Kirstin said...

Prayers all around. I'm sorry you're suffering--but glad you have healthcare, and time to care for yourself.


Jan said...

I've heard shingles are awful. I'm glad they're starting to crust over. Take care; don't rush; be gentle with yourself.